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Text File | 1989-07-09 | 13.9 KB | 361 lines | [TEXT/QED1] |
- Tabby Version 2.0 Generic File Format Specification
- by Michael E. Connick
- Purpose
- The purpose of this document is to provide a description of the
- new Tabby Version 2.0 Generic Message File Format. It will
- also provide a functional description for Import and Export
- procedures required in BBS programs to make use of this file
- structure.
- Introduction
- Version 2.0 of Tabby will include a major change in design
- philosophy over previous versions of Tabby. Instead of creating
- a customized version of Tabby for each BBS to be supported, a
- single "generic" version of Tabby will be created.
- This will be accomplished having Tabby pick up and deliver
- netmail and Echomail messages from "generic" message files.
- These generic message files represent a virtual BBS message
- structure that Tabby 2.0 will support. Tabby 2.0 will ONLY
- support these generic message files. It will no longer directly
- support individual BBS message system architectures.
- Any BBS that intends to support Tabby will be required to
- provide Generic File Import and Export procedures. These
- procedures may be standalone programs or integrated routines
- within the BBS program. In any case, their function will be to
- provide an interface between the native BBS message file
- structure and the Tabby Generic Message File structure.
- The function of the Import procedure will be to Import netmail
- and Echomail messages from the Generic Import File and deliver
- them in the proper format to the BBS mail and public message
- systems. The Export procedure will perform the opposite
- function. It will take newly entered outgoing netmail messages
- and messages posted to Echomail message sections of the BBS
- and deliver them in the proper format to the Generic Export
- file.
- Generic File Format
- The Tabby Generic file format will actually consist of two
- independent files having an indentical structure. These files
- are the Generic Import file and the Generic Export file. The
- Import file will contain messages which must be imported into
- the BBS by the Import procedure. The Export file will contain
- outgoing BBS netmail and Echomail messages placed there by
- the Export procedure.
- Since both the Generic Import and Generic Export files have an
- identical format they will be collectively refered to as the
- Generic file.
- The format of the Generic file has been designed with the goal
- of being extremely easy for programmers to deal with it. The
- structure of the file is extremely simple and straight
- forward. The file format was created in such a manner that
- programmers writing the Import and Export procedures could
- easily use just about any Mac programming language to access
- the file. In addition the design was influenced by the desire
- to make the file formats very easy to use when debugging
- Import and Export procedures.
- The basic philosophy behind the Generic file format is that
- each field will always contain printable ASCII characters or a
- NULL and will be terminated by a carriage return character.
- Following is a more detail description of the format:
- Tabby Generic File Record
- Record Flags
- Category Number
- Message Date
- Message Time
- Originating or Destination Node
- From
- To
- Subject
- Text Lines (optional)
- NULL Line
- Record Flags - 4 bytes (including terminating carriage return)
- Flag Byte 1 -Deletion Flag
- Equal to 'D' if record deleted
- Flag Byte 2 -Record Type
- Equal to 'E' if Echomail
- Equal to 'M' if netmail
- Flag Byte 3 -Reserved for future use
- Ignore
- Flag Byte 4 -Always a carriage return (CR)
- Category Number - 4 bytes (including terminating CR)
- This field is used only with Echomail, it should be
- ignored for netmail. The field contains three ASCII
- numeric characters representing the category number
- for the Echomail conference this message is associated
- with. This category number is the BBS public message
- section number that contains messages for this Echomail
- conference. The number corresponds to the Echomail
- Area category number specified by the Tabby Maint program
- and contained in the "areas.bbs" Tabby file. The field
- will always be three digits in length and will have
- leading zeroes if the number is less than three digits.
- Message Date - 9 bytes (including terminating CR)
- This field contains contains an 8 character date.
- The format of the date field is as follows:
- where MM is a two digit month number, DD a two digit
- day of the month, and YY a two digit year. Each of
- these will have a leading zero if less than two
- digits.
- Message Time - 9 bytes (including terminating CR)
- This field contains contains an 8 character time.
- The format of the time field is as follows:
- where HH is a two digit hour (military or 24 hour time)
- number, MM a two digit minutes, and SS a two digit
- seconds. Each of these will have a leading zero if less
- than two digits.
- Originating or Destination Node - variable length not to
- exceed 16 characters (including terminating CR)
- This field contains the originating node number of the
- message in the Generic Import file, and the
- destination node for the message in the Generic Export
- file. This will contain a standard Fidonet compatible
- node address, WITHOUT zone. For example our Fidonet
- node number would be represented in this field as:
- 107/512
- From - variable length not to exceed 80 bytes (including
- terminating CR)
- This field contains the name of the person who
- composed the message.
- To - variable length not to exceed 80 bytes (including
- terminating CR)
- This field contains the name of the person to whom
- the message is addressed.
- Subject - variable length not to exceed 80 bytes (including
- terminating CR)
- This field contains subject of the message.
- Text Lines (0 to a maximum of 400) - each line variable
- length not to exceed 90 bytes (including terminating CR)
- These fields will contain the actual text of the
- message. They are optional, i.e., a message can be
- sent with only header information and no text
- associated with it.
- Line containing a NULL - 2 bytes (including terminating CR)
- This line will terminate the message and will consist
- of a single NULL character (byte containing zero).
- This is the ONLY use of the NULL character in the
- Generic file. NULL characters must NOT appear in any
- of the other fields. They may only contain printable
- ASCII characters.
- Import Procedure Functional Specification
- The Import procedure is responsible for taking netmail and
- Echomail messages out of the Generic Import file, reformatting
- them, and putting them in the appropriate BBS file.
- As each message is processed and delivered to the BBS, the
- corresponding Delete flag in the record should be set equal to
- a 'D' and the record rewritten into the file. This will
- prevent messages from being delivered multiple times into the
- BBS. Obviously this also implies that the Import procedure
- should ignore any record in the Import file that has a delete
- flag equal to 'D'.
- The Import procedure should next check the Record Type Flag
- field to determine if the message is netmail or Echomail. If
- it's a netmail message it can be directly delivered into the
- BBS's mail system. If it's an Echomail message, the Category
- Number field will need to be checked to determine which public
- message section the message should be delivered to.
- The processing of the Date, Time, Originating Node, From, and
- To fields should be quite simple. Most likely the Message Date
- field will require reformatting to be acceptable to the BBS.
- The Text Line formatting is probably the most complex function
- of the Import program. First of all, remember that a message
- may have NO text lines associated with it. This is quite
- common for messages which are used to transmit file
- attachments and ArcMail.
- Next, the Text Line fields will probably require reformatting
- to the appropriate line length required by the BBS program.
- They are simply guaranteed not to exceed 90 characters in
- length. Blank lines between paragraphs will contain only a
- carriage return and no other text characters.
- The end of the message text is indicated by a NULL line. This
- will contain a single NULL followed by the normal carriage
- return line terminator.
- Upon completing processing of the Generic Import file, the Import
- function should delete this file.
- Export Procedure Functional Specification
- The Export procedure is responsible for finding newly entered
- netmail and Echomail messages in the BBS, reformatting them,
- and appending them to the Generic Export file. The Generic
- Export file should alway be appended to if it exists, or
- created if it does not exist.
- The Export procedure will need to have a method of determining
- which BBS netmail and Echomail messages have been posted since
- the last time the Export procedure was executed. Otherwise,
- the same messages are going to end up being sent out by Tabby
- over and over again. The Export procedure may accomplish this
- by saving the date/time of the last time it was run, or by
- keeping track of the highest message number last processed.
- In addition the Export procedure is going to need to
- distinguish between Echomail messages entered by the BBS
- users, and those that were delivered by the Import procedure
- from Tabby. Only those messages that were entered by the BBS
- users can be put into the Generic Export file. Tabby itself
- will take care of distributing Echomail messages received to
- additional Echomail partner systems. For example if you're
- polling System A to pick up an Echo and System B is polling you
- to get messages for that Echo, Tabby will take care of making
- sure that copies of the Echomail messages picked up from
- System A are sent to System B. The Export procedure needs to
- ONLY deal with messages entered on the BBS by the users of the
- BBS.
- The Export procedure will need to set the Record Type Flag
- field to indicate whether each message it is placing in the
- Generic Export file is netmail or Echomail. If it's a netmail
- message the Record Type Flag must be set to a 'M'. If it's an
- Echomail message the Record Type Flag must be set to an 'E'.
- If the message is an outgoing Echomail message, the Category
- Number field should contain the BBS message section number of
- the message, properly formatted as a three digit ASCII number
- with leading zeroes. If the message is netmail, the Category
- Number field should be set to three ASCII '0' digits.
- The Destination Node field should only contain a node number
- if the message is a netmail message. The Destination Node field
- will be ignored for outgoing Echomail messages.
- The processing of the Date, Time, From, and To fields should
- be quite simple. Most likely the Message Date field will require
- reformatting from the native BBS format into the Generic Export
- file format.
- The Text Line formatting is also quite simple. Remember that
- Text Line fields MUST be terminated by a carriage return and
- MUST NOT exceed 90 characters in length, INCLUDING the
- terminating carriage return. Blank lines between paragraphs
- will contain only a single carriage return.
- The end of the message text is indicated by a NULL line. This
- will contain a single NULL followed by the normal carriage
- return line terminator. Be sure to output this NULL line to
- the Generic Export file.
- Additional BBS Interface Files
- Two additional files complete the interface between Tabby and the BBS:
- the Generic file, and the Next Event file. Both of theses files will be
- found in the same folder as the BBS program and the Tabby programs.
- The Generic file will contain an absolute path name of the folder in
- which the Generic Import and Generic Export files reside. This path name
- will be terminated by a ":" character following by a carriage return.
- The Next Event file will contain an 8 character record terminated by
- a carriage return. The record consists of ASCII digits representing the
- starting and ending time of the next time the Tabby system should be
- started up. These times are in "military" or "24 hour" format. For example
- if the starting and ending times for the next Tabby Event were 9:00 AM and
- 1:00 PM, the Next Event record would contain the following:
- 09001300
- When the BBS detects that the current time falls within this time period,
- it should terminate the current caller and launch TabbyNet. The TabbyNet
- program (and all other Tabby programs) will be located in the same folder
- as the BBS, so launching it should be quite easy. The Tabby system will
- automatically re-launch the BBS when its Event processing is completed.
- The Tabby system is capable of supporting multiple Events in a single day,
- so the BBS should check the Next Event file everytime it is launched.
- Handling "Crashmail"
- The Fidonet network protocol supported by Tabby allows for both scheduled
- and unscheduled connection to take place. Unscheduled connections are
- usually refered to as Crashmail. For a BBS program to take full advantage
- of Tabby, it should be capable of supporting the receipt of Crashmail. To
- do this, it needs to be able to differentiate between human and Fidonet
- callers. This is accomplished by looking for a TSYNC character in the
- normal login input sequence. This character has a hex value of AE. Receipt
- of this character should cause the BBS to take the following action:
- 1. Create a file in the current folder named connect.bbs and containing
- a single carriage return terminated record. The first character of this
- record should contain an "a" if the BBS modem is attached to the serial
- port, and a "b" if the BBS modem is attached to the printer port. The next
- characters should contain ASCII digits giving the baud rate of the
- connection. For example if the BBS has its modem attached to the serial
- port and a 9600 baud connection is made to it that turns out to be a
- Fidonet call, the BBS should create a connect.bbs file containing the
- following record:
- a9600
- 2. After writing out and closing the connect.bbs file, the BBS program
- should launch the TabbyNet program.
- Questions?
- This concludes the interface requirements of BBS when used with Tabby 2.0.
- If you have any questions about the information contained in this
- document, feel free to get in contact with me. I can be reached over
- Fidonet at 107/412, over Alternet at 520/412, on our BBS at 300/1200/
- 2400/9600 HST baud at 201-988-0706, or via US Mail at:
- ME Connick and Company
- PO Box 307
- Bradley Beach, NJ 07720